Saturday, October 11, 2008

Time Flies!

This week certainly flew by! Fall is finally starting show itself more and more every day and I just LOVE it. Cool mornings and evenings, trees changing colors oh so quickly already. Before we know it, it will be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then, Nope, I'm not even going to say the rest of it!! I'm not ready for it, haven't even gotten started.

Got a bit of bad (?) news at the end of the day yesterday at work. Things have been really slow for the past several months, and the threat of someone losing their job has been looming over everybody in our office for months. No, I haven't lost my job, but the boss man has asked me to revert back to part-time (3 days a week), and take a cut in pay. Now this doesn't totally sound like a bad thing. I kinda like the idea of only working 3 days a week. And I figure I can probably pick the three days that I would work. I would be able to volunteer at the schools, go on field trips if I wanted, even substitute teach possibly. That might even help me get a "foot in the door" to future job openings at PR schools. Who knows. That would also leave the option of finding a 3rd part-time job, if I wanted to do that. Or, I could just leave this job altogether and find another full-time job probably making a salary close to what I'd be making at the part-time rate where I am now. So, you see where my dilemma lies? I know this is probably all jumbled together, but thoughts are all coming out at once. Please just keep us in your prayers. I know God has a plan.

Oh yeah, and for those of you reading this that don't live in NWA, or PR, the Mule Jump is today. Mom/Dad, it's Holy Moly Day!!! We haven't been to the mule jump in 7 years. That's actually the only time that I've ever been to a mule jump. It was totally nothing like I thought it would be like. But neither was that whole entire day!! That was the day (10/12/01) we found out that I was pregnant with Jake. Hence, Holy Moly Day. That was what my dad said when we told them we were expecting. It was so funny!! So, I tell Jake that technically he has been to a mule jump, but he thinks it was when he was a baby. So, I don't know, we might go. We won't have to fight traffic or anything like that, at least not driving anyway. We live within walking distance. The weather so far today looks to be sunny and nice, and I don't want to waste a photo opportunity. I've been wanting to go to Devil's Den and get some shots of the kids with the fall color changes going on. It's really beautiful this time of year (even tho' I've never been there, I've seen photos taken there this time of year).

Ok, I've rambled on long enough this morning, so I'm off to tackle another project. You all take care and have a great day! If I get some good shots, I'll post them on here tonight. Love you all. CH


Pam said...

So did you go to the Mule Jump? Sorry to hear about the job but all your ideas sound good, I would love to work at the school. I had to work until 3 today and I forgot to let you know.