Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jake went back to school on Monday, and back to the doc's office for a check up on his pneumonia that afternoon. Doc said he's good to go. The doc and the nurse's just couldn't believe that he was the same little boy that I had in there last week that was so out of it and lifeless. He was bouncing off the walls at the doc's office (lucky Daddy, he got to take him this time!!). No t-ball this week tho', it rained both games out on Monday and Tuesday, which I guess is a good thing tho'.

Austin left out this morning headed for Branson Missouri, & Silver Dollar City. It is a "REWARD" trip from the school, for making proficient or better on the Benchmark test back in the spring. I'm sure how many kids are going, but I'm glad they reward them with something that's fun. He was looking forward to riding the roller coasters and who knows what all else. I'm sure he will be tired when they get back. The rain has finally gone away, and it looks like they will have a good day to enjoy the park.

It's been almost 2 weeks since I was last at the doc's office for me. I need to figure out how to put a graph or chart on here. I think it would a neat way to keep up with how much I have lost, you know, give a visual, sort of! I'll have to work on that. But, I'm down a total of 70, yes, 70 lbs. It has been a year as of Oct. 3rd. I'm trying to reach for a total of 100 by Christmas of this year. Maybe I should rephrase that, my goal is a total of 100 lbs total by Christmas of this year. For the first time in I don't know how long, I can finally buy clothes, well, for the top half anyway, out of the regular women's department (not plus size!). I even bought a sweater over the weekend that was a size medium! Anyway, enough about me.....just keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Don't you just love this fall weather? It was 44 degrees this morning. I think it's only supposed to top out at 70 today!! I love it!

Have a GREAT day everyone!


Pam said...

You are looking great too! Congrats on the loss! That is one loss that you want to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy,
It was great hearing from you. Kyle says hello as well. We can't wait to see you guys too. I will have to add you as one of my "Blog friends". We will keep you posted on baby Ava. Thanks for writing. Take care. Amanda