Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A new week.....and I'm still surviving..

Well, here it is Tuesday already and somehow we made it thru' the weekend. It (the weekend) just wasn't nearly long enough tho'. I always have all these things I want to get done, but never get to all of them. I did manage to get one thing done that I've been wanting to do tho'. We went over to Bogel Park in Bentonville and took some pictures. (in case you have noticed the huge slideshow posted on here!!!) I wanted to go to Devil's Den, but this closer, and oh so pretty. It's privately owned, but open to the public. There were lots of professional photographers out there doing photo shoots too. It was fun, well, about as much as you can have getting boys to have their pictures taken. The little one still likes to have his taken, but the big 'un, well, kinda have to coax him a bit!! Jake got bit right in the middle of his forehead shortly after we got there by a silly mosquito!! I don't think it shows too much tho'.

I'm still working everyday this week, but when the bossman goes to pickup his check today, I'm sure things will change, or will by the end of the week. We talked this morning, and I had misunderstood what he said on Friday. He was basically letting everybody know what is going to happen if things don't change around here. Which we've all known for quite awhile now!! I have been applying for jobs like crazy all weekend, here and there. Some really good ones have been newly advertised, and then I've also been in contact with Wally World again too. I finally got a phone call from a recruiter this morning, so maybe that ball will get rolling there. Who knows. They can be really slow I'm told, by my good friend who shall remain nameless, since she has the inside scoop!! Looks like rain outside, but I'm hoping it leaves us alone today. We've (well, Jake does) got a t-ball game tonight. Have a GREAT day!