Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall has arrived!!

And I am SO EXCITED!! I love this time of year! The cool weather, changing colors, falling leaves!! Not much has been happening the past couple of weeks. Two rainout t-ball games, well, really 3 I guess. We had one makeup game last Saturday. Then just the same 'ol stuff, work, work, work. This small little town that we live in has had two (actually 3) bomb threats at the middle/jr high school in less than a week (this past week!). There was even one last year at the elementary school! I just don't understand what goes thru' the minds of kids these days, to make them do things of this nature. I want to believe it's more of an attention getting scheme, or get out of class sort of stunt, but because the world is not the way it was when I was a kid that age, these type of threats have to be treated differently. You have to try and look at things from the schools aspect, but as a parent, you also want to protect your child as well. When I was told that they (a school official, as well as possibly a police officer) were going to be questioning the kids in the classes where the 2nd "threat" was found, I felt I needed to be present during that questioning, just so I knew without a doubt, what my child was asked, what his response was, and where things would go from there. There was no mention of being questioned a second time, and parents were not notified of this either. Am I wrong for feeling that the school should have notified the parents that they were questioning the kids a second time? Ohhhh, I guess I'd better get off this soap box........I could be here for awhile. I've been working on some scrapbooking stuff (thanks to my good friend Pam for the wonderful book with awesome ideas), and now I've got to get to work on t-ball picture packages for the parents, so they will all be ready on Saturday. I'm excited about them, cause I've found some really cool things and I have some neat ideas that I'm working on too! I'll post some of them when I'm done!!

Oh, and if you've noticed that the slideshow of pictures is gone, I deleted it, but I'll post some of those pictures on here too. Have a great weekend!! CH