Well, I definitely do not like the time change..............it cuts into my sleep time! I don't get enough as it is, and then last night I got even less!! Oh well, such is life! The past few days have been really nice weather-wise! Temperatures reached almost 80 on Friday. Rumor has it that we are in for another round of cooler/cold weather mid week this week, so I guess we aren't quite done with winter yet. Before you know, I'll be complaining about how hot it is, so I guess I should just enjoy the cooler temps, and stop complaining!! Don't know much else........still looking for full time employment. Love having the days off, but not having an every day routine is not a good thing for me. Hopefully things will change before too long!
Have a GREAT day and God Bless!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
6 days ago
Hey Cathy,
Thank you so much for the picture frame for Ava!! It is precious! You must of knew that "You are my Sunshine" was one of our favorites around here. It was very sweet of your family to give us that shower. Have a good weekend. Amanda
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