Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope you all had a very merry holiday. We finally managed to hit the road Wednesday, I think it was around 2:30 or 3:00p.m.!!! I really had planned to already be at my mom's house by then, but I was still working on projects Wednesday morning, so I was running behind, as usual!! The boys were so excited and could hardly wait to get there. We didn't even stop for the usual potty break!!! They had cousins to play with who were just as anxious for them to get there!! We had lots of good food...........somebody said it seemed like we had more food than we usually have!! Everybody brought food this mom wasn't supposed to do any cooking except for the ham, but she sneaked around and made the chicken casserole, and then with all the excitement of the day on Wednesday, she forgot to cook the ham. She told Austin she didn't really forget, she was just waiting to cook it so it didn't make us look bad being so late!! This is the first year that we were the LAST ones there!!! Christmas day we just hung out at my mom's and the kids got to spend most of the day playing! We went over to my Aunt's house later in the afternoon.........her son and his family were there. They have the most precious little girls.
See the picture on the left? That's our entire family (minus one niece who got married and moved to Alaska this year). Let me see if I can name everybody so it's easy to tell who's who....starting from the left, sitting in the chair is my brother David, holding his daughter Jessica, his wife Cindy, my niece Blake and her mom (my sister) Lori, then there's my hubby Rodney, with our youngest Jake, and then my oldest nephew Corey (he was born on my 25th birthday); then seated on the couch is my sister Marsha, sister-in-law Tammy (her husband is behind her), then there is Davey (he belongs with David & Cindy & Jessica), then there's Me, my Daddy, nephew Carter, my Mom, nephew Caleb (the 3 C's: Corey, Caleb, Carter belong with Tammy & the other David); back row behind the couch is my other brother David (Tammy's husband) and our oldest Austin. We are wishing we'd been doing a picture like this for years, so we could see how everyone has grown and changed over the years! But I guess there has to be a starting point somewhere, right?
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 week ago
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