Looks as tho' I've been slacking somewhat on the blogging thing. I'm realizing just how much I miss having my two extra days a week off from work. But it's a good thing to be back at work full time now too.We are now playing fall baseball. Jake is playing in the machine pitch league this fall. Hopefully he'll get lots of practice in (since we bought a pitching machine!!) and be hitting the ball consistently when spring practice starts!!
Looks like Jake is really "into" the game here, huh??
Austin is playing basketball (duh...at 6'2", he better be, huh??). I think their games start sometime in November. As luck would have it, his first home game is the same day as my surgery! But I am sure he will be fine without mom there. Hopefully MoMo will be able to go and watch him play too while she is here. I was just looking for a recent picture of him to post on here, but then I remembered that he doesn't let me take his picture very often, so I don't have any newer ones. But I will as soon as basketball games get started!
Well, it's late, and that's all the time I have for now!! We'll chat later!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Fall is FINALLY here!
Posted by Cathy at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The past several weeks have really been hectic around here. BUT, baseball season is FINALLY over! Kinda have mixed feelings about it tho'. We (I say we here, meaning the whole family) had a good time with all the kids on the team this year. The boys should be really proud of themselves.......we are certainly proud of them! They went UNDEFEATED during regular season play. We had District Tournament the weekend of 4th of July, actually it started July 2nd and went thru' July 7th, and OMG was it HOT!! The Goblins made it thru to Monday night play, but lost to a team from Bentonville. They played their little hearts out every night.
Friday night we took Rod's parents down to Springdale to watch the NWA Naturals play ball. And once again, it sure was hot....not much air stirring. Everybody had a good time I think. And the Naturals won too. The fireworks after the game were pretty awesome as well.
On Saturday, the kids and I went to a weenie roast/swim party at the home of some people from our church. It was a family event for the Secret Sisters group. The kids had a blast in the pool. Jake is quite the little daredevil......he had already jumped in from the side of the pool before I even got up the steps to set my things down!! He can't swim, but you'd never know it by watching him!!
Back to baseball, I think I forgot to mention that Rod coached the team this year, and since the season has ended, he says he's having "baseball withdrawals"! Kinda makes sense, since we've been playing baseball since February I think!! So today, he cleaned out the garage, moved most of it out on the driveway........got out his "cloudless sky" blue paint, and painted the top portion of the walls in the garage. On the bottom portion, he painted it grass green! Not sure what else it will have, but I'm pretty sure it will be baseball themed!! I will try and post pictures when he gets done!! I bet if he had the time, he'd paint the garage floor to resemble DIRT!! LOL No kidding!!
Since one of us has to work tomorrow, I supposed I'd better sign off for now. (Yes it's me that has to work tomorrow. "He" took off, just in case we went to the State tournament! LOL
Catch ya' later.
Posted by Cathy at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Somebody had a birthday!
I can't believe that it's been over two months since I posted on here, but alot has happened in that span of time! After working just three days a week for approx. 6 months, I found my way to JBHunt. It's great to be back working full time again.My youngest had a birthday today......he turned 7! It's so hard to believe that it's been seven years since my baby came into this
world.....it seems like only yesterday sometimes! He had a hard time going to sleep last night, saying he was going to stay awake until 9:07 a.m. (that's the time he was born!). Needless to say, he didn't make it staying awake! But he did wake up early and wouldn't let us tell him Happy Birthday until it was exactly 9:07 a.m. He is so funny! Daddy fixed biscuits and gravy for breakfast (Jake's favorite food, anytime, anywhere!). Then he just couldn't wait any longer to open his presents. Afterwards, he was begging for cake. But he couldn't eat much of it, since he'd had 4 biscuits and gravy not long before!!
And now we're coming up on Father's Day! Time just keeps on flying!! Here's some pictures from our day.....I tried to get them in some sort of order, but it's not working! Have a great rest of the weekend, and God Bless!
Posted by Cathy at 12:37 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter or Winter?
I think Mother Nature is messing with my head today! I could have sworn that today was Easter Sunday, but it sure feels more like mid-winter! Must be a late April Fool's joke or something!! LOL I was soaked by the time I got to church this morning, and I still haven't gotten rid of the chills!! My mom always made us wear shoes or socks until Easter every year, then we could go barefoot. Well, I've sort of carried that "tradition" on with my kids too. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. If Easter comes early, then it's usually still too cold to go barefoot, but if it's later, then it SHOULD work out. Not this year, at least not today. But my oldest was quick to tell me that he can go barefoot now since today is Easter. Sorry Charlie, but it's WAY TOO cold today to run around with no socks!! Well, I'm off to find my blankie and maybe a good book. I bought "The Shack" Friday night. I've heard it's really good, so I'm anxious to get started reading it now. Hope everyone has a Blessed Easter Sunday. Stay warm (if you're in NW Ark)!!!
Posted by Cathy at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Snow and Torndoes?
Well, where else do you have Winter Storms in one part of the state, and Tornado Warnings in another? That's what we're getting here in Arkansas. Here in NW Arkansas, we are under a Winter Storm Watch, and now they're saying possible snow accumulations. Further south in the state, they have just been under a Tornado Warning!! Stick around a bit, if you don't like it, it will change. Spring break is almost over for the kiddos, but our little guy hasn't seemed to notice! He made the comment tonight that "Spring Break sure was going slow!" Come Monday, he'll be wishing for a longer Spring Break I'm sure. I don't know much else......I'm ready for my 2nd weekend this week!! Catchya' later!
Posted by Cathy at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Winds of March
Well, the winds of March are blowing right on by, along with this month! Just one more week of March......hard to believe. Spring break is finally here!! YAY!!! Oh, wait a minute........I don't get a spring break anymore! Oh the joys of being a grown-up!! I think my husband has forgotten that he's a grown-up too. He's on Spring break this week too!! Oh well. I'm glad he is, because he gets to spend time with the boys. I'll have at least 2 days to spend with them too. Maybe we can work it around to where we can do something towards the end of the week. We'll just have to see.
Posted by Cathy at 10:14 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Well, I definitely do not like the time change..............it cuts into my sleep time! I don't get enough as it is, and then last night I got even less!! Oh well, such is life! The past few days have been really nice weather-wise! Temperatures reached almost 80 on Friday. Rumor has it that we are in for another round of cooler/cold weather mid week this week, so I guess we aren't quite done with winter yet. Before you know, I'll be complaining about how hot it is, so I guess I should just enjoy the cooler temps, and stop complaining!! Don't know much else........still looking for full time employment. Love having the days off, but not having an every day routine is not a good thing for me. Hopefully things will change before too long!
Have a GREAT day and God Bless!
Posted by Cathy at 12:43 PM 1 comments
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